Further photographic activities


  • Studied philosophy, language, literature and theatre studies
  • 1977-80 postgraduate studies in philosophy (Doctorate University of Konstanz 1986)
  • Since 1980 Theatre work, radio broadcasts (WDR), photo workshops, scientific, journalistic and literary work


  • 2020 “kunST_bestand | HEIMATEN. Works from the art collection of the Steinfurt district“, DA, Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst
  • 2017 “Cuba a.o.“, Dr. Joachim Köhne, Iserlohn
  • 2017 “Cuba u.a.“, Dr. Bohn/ Dr. Overmeyer, Ibbenbüren
  • 2014 “Art in the Region“, DA, Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst
  • 2013 “Art in the Region“, DA, Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst
  • 2012 “Soundseeing“, DA, Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst, Hörstel (solo exhibition)
  • 2011 “Soundseeing“, Musikhochschule Münster (solo exhibition)
  • 2009 “Art in our region 09“, DA, Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst, Hörstel
  • 2007 “bilder_haken“, Alte Posthalterei Melle (solo exhibition)
  • 2006 “Art in our region“, DA, Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst, Hörstel
  • 2005 “Art Friends – Art by Friends“, Old Honey Factory, Ibbenbüren
  • 2005 “Art in our region“, DA, Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst, Hörstel
  • 2004 “Art in our region“, DA, Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst, Hörstel
  • 2003 “Good works“, Kulturspeicher Dörenthe
  • 2002 “Art in our region“, Tecklenburg
  • 2001 “Art in our region“, Tecklenburg

All exhibitions in Tecklenburg and Gravenhorst were and are curated exhibitions. Selection by three jurors who change annually.

Public acquisitions by the Steinfurt district and private sales


• 2012 Fotobuch „Soundseeing. Klänge zum Angucken. Drei Jahre Klangkunst im Münsterland“ (2009-11. Dokumentation mit 56 Fotografien) - Auftrag des Kreises Steinfurt

2012 Photo book “Soundseeing. Sounds to look at. Three years of sound art in Münsterland” (2009-11. Documentation with 56 photographs) – commissioned by the district of Steinfurt.

• 2013 Fotobuch: Soundseeing 2012 (Auftrag des Kreises Steinfurt)

2013 Photo book: “Soundseeing 2012. Sounds to look at.” (Documentation with 70 photographs) – commissioned by the district of Steinfurt)

Further photographic activities

  • 2018 Participant in Eurolab/Forum on European Culture in Amsterdam (31.5.-3.6.2018, selected by Rem Kohlhaas and Wolfgang Tillmans with 26 other participants from 400 applicants from EU countries).
  • 2016 Documentation of the Soundseeing series (commissioned by the Landesmusikakademie NRW).
  • 2013 Poster (commissioned by the Hanover Art Festival)
  • 2012 Cover picture for the yearbook of the district of Steinfurt 2013
  • 2010-2022 http://www.donatellalandi.it/works/video_installazioni/robben.html
  • 2009 ff.: Photographs in: Deutsch. Das Oberstufenbuch. Berlin and Mannheim: Duden Schulbuchverlag
  • Since 1995 photographs of cultural events for the Ibbenbürener Volkszeitung and Westfälische Nachrichten.

2013 Poster (commissioned by the Hanover Art Festival)


2012 Cover picture for the Steinfurt District Yearbook 2013

pagina web de landi donatella

2010-2022 http://www.donatellalandi.it/works/video_installazioni/robben.html

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